Faith Formation & Religious Education
Parish Pastoral Associate Administrative Assistant
Lori Mascia Brad Jasko
440-449-4242 extension 119 440-449-4242 extension 122
Lent Begins Ash Wednesday, March 5th

Click here to download a printable version of our March Calendar
Start Preparing for the First Sunday of Lent TODAY
Filled with the Holy Spirit…
Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days,
to be tempted by the devil.
Luke 4:1

Click here to watch a short video & prayerfully reflect on Jesus’ temptation
Resources for Children & Families

Click here for a list of links for adults, families, teens & children to spend more time in the Word of God
Click here for info on 40 Days for Life, March 5th-April 13th
Click here for activities & coloring pages to download from Holy Heroes
Click here for 9 Days for Life prayers, reflections and resources
Click here for Pro-Life prayers, novenas, blessings and more from the USCCB

Click here for Holy Heroes Spiritual Adoption prayers & coloring page
For Healing & Hope for Adults after Abortion check out the following:
As we pray for respect for all life, conception to natural death, let us pray too for those who have suffered losses due to abortion.
Sisters of Life: “Go, pick up the pieces lest they be lost.” (John 6:12)
Phone: 866-575-0075
Rachel’s Vineyard:
“A safe place to renew, rebuild & redeem hearts broken by abortion”
Phone 866-482-LIFE (866-482-5433)
Project Rachel:
Hope… forgiveness… Healing…
Phone 888-456-HOPE (888-456-4673)

We give thanks for all those in Faith Formation 2024-2025 here at Saint Clare and pray for God's continued blessing and protection for our children, families and catechists!

“The family is the fundamental cell of society,
where we learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another;
it is also the place where parents pass on the faith to their children.”
Evangellii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) #66. Pope Francis.
Click here for Summer Registration Parent Letter
Register NOW for 2024-2025
NOW is the time to register your child for 2024-2025 faith formation
Especially those first graders in public school who need to start faith formation and religious education to prepare to make their First Confession and receive their First Holy Communion.
Grades 7 & 8/9 Tuesday evenings, 7:15-8:30pm
Grades PreK – 6 Saturday mornings, 9-10:15am
Faith Formation for Adults with Special Needs
The Church of Saint Clare is proud to offer faith formation for adult(s 18 & older) with disabilities.
Do you know an adult who would like an opportunity to develop their religious faith?
Please encourage them to sign up so that they can begin to participate more fully in our Church community.
We look forward to celebrating the richness of the gifts that persons with disabilities have to offer.
Saint Clare Adult Special Education runs Wednesday evenings from 7-8pm.
Contact Barb Heisler at 440-221-7808 or or Lori Mascia at
The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch,
but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ.
~ Pope Saint John Paul II, Catechesis in our Time, Catechesi Tradendae, 5
Faith Formation PSR
Grades Pre-K to 6
Saturdays, 9-10:15am
Jr .High Confirmation Prep
Tuesday, 7:15-8:30pm
Volunteer Opportunity
Calling All Disciples!
Catechesis from Greek means to “echo” our faith. Please join us in praying for our catechists and pray for those who God is calling to join us in this ministry. “Jesus did not call volunteers to do a job but he called disciples to answer God’s call of service to God and the Church” (Pope Francis, Symposium on Catechesis, July 2017). Do you feel called to join our faith formation team? If so, please contact Lori Mascia

Ways to Pray with your Family

The Divine Mercy Novena: Use pamphlet sent home with faith formation children or Click here for Divine Mercy Chaplet Novena Pamphlet
Click here to sign up for daily email reminders from Pray More Novenas
We encourage you and your family to pray/read the bible each day!
Click here for links to help you include The Word of God in your daily life
On August 11th we celebrated our patroness, Saint Clare
For more on Clare see:
Or watch Clare and Francis filmed on location FREE on FORMED for St. Clare parishioners

Click here for a picture of the complete stained glass window designed and executed by Douglas Phillips and here for its description researched by Reverend John Valencheck and photographed by Matt Mascia.