Find the ministry that is calling you!

Welcome to the Church of Saint Clare! Thank you for affording us the opportunity to be a part of your family.
Ours is a large and diverse parish with countless opportunities for worship, education and service. Our ministries, for all ages, draw Saint Clare parishioners closer to God and to each other. I encourage you, in the words of Pope Francis, to become a “missionary disciple.”
Enrich yourself and our parish with your gifts of time, talent and treasure. Be assured that the Lord cannot be outdone in generosity!
~ Fr. Stanley Klasinski - Pastor
Adoration Chapel

The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for private prayer in our Adoration Chapel which is located in the Sr. Lucy Center. The chapel is accessible during business office hours.
Jesus waits for us with open arms and a Sacred Heart for all!
Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle
Under the direction of the worldwide organization, Marian Movement of Priests, all are invited to come and pray for our Church, pope and bishops, priests and seminarians, consecrated women and men, priestly and religious vocations. We pray for personal and special intentions as well. Meet us in church each Tuesday after the 8:30 a.m. Mass and join this powerful force of prayer.
Virginia Kovacina
Altar Linens

Would you like to minister behind the scenes? Parishioners in turn claim a weekend worth of altar linens and hand towels for home laundering. Basic ironing skill is all that is required! Join us and know you are providing a necessary “Martha” service for our weekend worship.
Diane Boyda
Altar Servers
Altar servers go where few parishioners have gone! Student servers (fourth grade thru college) serve our weekend liturgies while adult servers assist at weekday Masses and funerals. Training provided!
Tim Shean
Bereavement Support
Volunteers facilitate a bereavement support group called Walking in Hope. The group meets for nine 2-hour sessions in the spring and in the fall of each year. We offer support to widows and widowers, parents who have lost a child or anyone who has lost a significant person in their life. Facilitators are trained in the Ministry of Consolation by the Diocesan Office of Parish Life.
The Communications Ministry publicizes the enormous value of being or becoming an active parishioner at The Church of Saint Clare. Saint Clare is an active, friendly and vibrant community with an excellent base of volunteers powering many ministries that serve the parish and our local area. The Communications Ministry uses social media, photography, videography, blog posts, articles, interviews, emails and any other viable medium to entertain, inform and educate the parish and the general public of events, personalities and special occasions within Saint Clare.
Mark DeSilvio
Community Outreach
Some food, clothing and modest financial assistance is often enough to help those in need. It does not take much. But they do need you and so does St. Clare Community Outreach. We serve in our own parish, at hunger centers and in the local community. Strap on an apron, your ladle is waiting!
Community Outreach operates on an anonymous basis. To Volunteer call 440-449-4242, ext 101
For Outreach assistance call 440-449-4242 ext 161
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Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are brothers and sisters sharing the Body and the Blood of Christ. They speak their own faith in saying “The Body of Christ” and the “Blood of Christ”. Ministers are at the heart of our Sunday worship and pastoral care to the homebound and hospitalized. Adult parishioners (18+years) are invited to participate in this privileged ministry which blesses those who serve and those who are served.
Jerry Wisniewski
Faith Formation & Education
Calling all baptized Catholics; children, teens, families, single or seniors to continual spiritual formation! We are here to support children, teens and families in their faith journey, deeper understanding of our Catholic faith and growth in relationship with God so as to live as missionary disciples in our homes and communities. Parish programs include Sunday School and Nursery, Parish School of Religion (Grades 1 – 8), Sacramental Preparation, Faith Formation for Adults with Special Needs, Family Nights and Vacation Bible School. Join us in teaching the Gospel message and passing on our faith and traditions; volunteer catechists (teachers), office aides, musicians, hostesses and fundraisers are always needed and welcomed.
An interview and training are required for this rewarding ministry.
Join us and continue your growth in your faith!
Lori Mascia
Our annual Festival held on the first weekend of June brings our parish family together, financially supports our ministry and reaches out to the greater community. The event is
filled with family-friendly activities, food, music, entertainment, rides and games (of chance too!). Volunteers are critical and sign-ups for days/times are online and in the bulletin each spring. Join the fun!
Shaun White
External Site
Finance Council
The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body which assists the pastor in his role as steward. Councilors prepare an annual budget, review monthly financials and endorse capital projects. The Council submits an annual financial report to the Diocese and provides a summary to parishioners. Councilors are invited to serve by the pastor. Parishioners with backgrounds in finance, business and law are welcome to approach the pastor. Council meets on the last Monday of the month as required.
Joe Gambatese
Hispanic Prayer Group Juan XXIII
The Spanish-speaking group, Juan XXlll, prays and talks about the word of the Lord. Bienvenido a la Iglesia de St. Clare! Uno de los grandes rasgos de St. Clare es la gran diversidad de oportunidades para involucrarse. Nuestro grupo español, Juan XXIII, invita a quienes disfrutan discutiendo la palabra del Señor. Nuestras reuniones comienzan con un Rosario, seguido por el Evangelio de la semana, luego una discusión sobre los significados. Juan XXlll se reúne todos los miércoles por la noche a las 7:00 p.m. y generalmente dura hasta las 9:00 p.m. ¡Cualquiera y todos son bienvenidos! ¡Bienvenido a la Parroquia de St. Claire y espero verte pronto en la casa del Señor!
Julian Lemus
Knights of Columbus
If you have ever wondered what one man can do, you will find the answer in the Knights of Columbus. Our order is the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. Gilmour Council #310 (Mayfield Heights) actively supports ministries in Saint Clare, Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Paschal Baylon Parishes. And it all starts with you – and your willingness to make a difference.
Shaun White
External Site
The texts may be thousands of years old, but together the Scriptures are the Living Word of God. The Scriptures proclaimed at Mass come to life through the Ministry of Lector. If you feel called to share your personal gift of proclamation, the Saint Clare Ministry of Lector warmly welcomes you.
Nick Ambrogio
Music Ministry
He who sings, prays twice! Music is integral to Catholic worship. Our adult choir (Ensemble) and young adult choir (VOCE) invite vocalists and instrumentalists to make a joyful noise to the Lord! Cantors lead song at non-choir Masses. Come forward and share your musical gifts with the parish and for the Lord!
Dan and Nancy Maier
Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body which assists the pastor in his role of shepherd. Councilors support current parish ministries and have initiated new ministries. Councilors stage a biannual Ministry Fair, Sunday Coffee & Donuts and other events that bring parishioners together. Council currently meet eight times a year on the second Monday of the month. Parishioners are invited to consider a four year term in January.
Lauren Petrello, chairman
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults prepares women and men to be received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Were you never baptized? Were you baptized in a Christian community? Were you baptized Catholic but never received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? Then RCIA is for you!
Contact Barbara Dokar, parish secretary
440-449-4242 ext 101

The Church of Saint Clare offers Scouting groups for boys and girls; children and adolescents. Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, Brownies and Girl Scouts are all designed to build leadership skills and character, to challenge and educate. While many activities are service-orientated, there are plenty that are just for fun and to build social skills. Parental involvement makes our troops successful!
Boy Scouts
External site |
Cub Scouts: Jeff Raynor - Scoutmaster -
Kurt Tietjen
Girl Scouts: Bethany Goedecke |
Spiritual Formation
Learn, Reflect and Spread the Word! Saint Clare and Saint Paschal Baylon Parishes together sponsor spiritual life and adult faith formation events for our parishioners and the greater Catholic community. Our programs include single night presentations, small faith sharing groups and parish-wide Missions. Your time and talent will help grow our spiritual events for the benefit of the Hillcrest communities.
Christine Davis
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Do you have a good sense of hospitality? The Church of Saint Clare Ushers welcome men and women to join them at weekend Masses! Ushers greet parishioners at the doors, help find seats and attend to the Offertory collections. Saint Clare Ushers are well-dressed, polished and professional. Join their proud ranks!
Jeffrey Raynor |
Youth Ministry (SCYGA)
Attention Teens! If you are looking for a place where you can relax, be comfortable and safe: a place where you can come together with old friends and new to share the gift of faith or just “hang out” – this is the place for you! At SCYGA you can feel free to express any questions or concerns without being judged or criticized. It is also a place to have FUN! Sometimes our most important agenda is simply being together. Service is an important part of who we are. Any high school student is welcome. All you need do to become a member is attend a Sunday evening meeting.
So why not grab a friend and join us!
Evamarie Cross
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