Boy Scout Troop 433
Troop 433 has been part of Saint Clare Church since 1955
The mission of the Boy Scouts is to prepare young men to make ethical choices over their lifetime.
The goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs.
The boys learn through the experiences of camping, hiking, building projects and community service. These experiences allow boys to grow and mature at their own pace.
We run a year-round program for boys 11 – 17 years old.
We meet every Thursday at 7 pm in Room 27 (off the school gym) and hold monthly campouts or events.
Adult participation in our Troop programming is encouraged, needed and appreciated. Time commitments can vary according to family schedules. Adults are welcome at all campouts, events and weekly meetings.
We offer:
ALL the character traits a Mom will love.
ALL the skills a Dad would be proud of and
ALL the adventure a boy craves.
please contact:
Cub Scouts
Since 1930, the Boy Scouts of America has helped younger boys through Cub Scouting. It is a year-round family program designed for boys who are in the first grade through fifth grade (or 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age).
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetimes. Cub Scout Pack 433 promotes Christian values while we have fun, serve our community, promote patriotism and learn what it means to be a Scout. The Cub Scout motto “Do Your Best” is an important part of everything we do. To learn more about scouting, please visit www.scouting.org, and click on the PARENT tab.
Cub Scouting is an active program. Boys learn by doing, and there's no end to the fun things that Cub Scouts do.
• Den and Pack Meetings
• Cub Scout Camping
• Day camps
• Resident camps
• Overnighters
• Excursions and Field Trips
• Special Events
Cub Scouts meet in their dens twice a month and a pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families once a month.
A den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum in place of or in addition to the scheduled meetings.
For more information please contact:
Jeff Raynor - Scoutmaster - cjraynor@att.net
Kurt Tietjen
(216) 570-8350