Our Mission Statement:  Church of St. Clare is a Roman Catholic community that cherishes its faith tradition, celebrates the sacraments, and cultivates lives of gospel service and stewardship.







A Saint Clare Christmas Poem

‘Twas the month of December
And all through the house
One priest was just limping
And the other was out.

For one had had trauma-
His leg—that brought strife;
The other gained a parish,
And that changed his life.

So, one stayed at home
And let healing begin,
With meals from the faithful
Turning pain to a grin.

The other stepped up
And treasured the load
That led him to care for
The sheep down the road.

But there will be times
When stress may abound
For holiday schedules
Turn life upside down.

And if that should happen
I have only these tips:
Pray to the Father
And invite others for sips!

For nothing is nicer
Than an evening at home,
Sharing a beverage and knowing
You’re not alone.

Tuesday & Wednesday 8:30am 
Saturday 4:30pm
Sunday 8am, 10am, Noon

Wednesday Noon-1pm and Saturday, 3-4pm


Wednesdays, 9am-1pm, in the Church unless there is a morning funeral

In our Adoration Chapel in the Sister Lucy Center Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm Saturday, 10am-Noon

Please do not rearrange the furniture.

Please provide your own devotional materials.


Eucharistic Adoration Procession Photos
A selection of 10 images

Click HERE to view them.

Watch Daily Mass

LIVE & Recorded from the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist on Diocese of Cleveland TV

Sundays at 8am & Weekdays at Noon - https://www.dioceseofcleveland.org/offices/communications/mass

Click Here to Pray An Act of Spiritual Communion

Click here for Resources for this Week

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The family is the fundamental cell of society,

where we learn to live with others despite our differ­ences and to belong to one another;

it is also the place where parents pass on the faith to their children.”

 Evangellii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) #66. Pope Francis.

Click here for info, calendars and resources for children's Faith Formation & Sacramental preparation

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